The seCURITy TRaNsfORmaTION: a paTh TO a seCURe yes TO aI 25 Step 4 Security plans for AI 72% 64% 2% 3% Adopt a comprehensive security solution for AI As AI adoption continues to expand across When asked how they plan on securing and industries, the need for comprehensive, protecting the usage and development of AI dedicated security solutions has become applications in their organizations, a majority increasingly apparent. AI introduces specific risks of survey respondents (72%) said they plan to that traditional security measures might not fully procure a new dedicated security solution to Procuring a new Using existing security Other Not sure address. Security for AI is designed to mitigate secure the usage and development of AI, while dedicated AI Security solutions to secure the solution to secure the usage and development usage and development of GenAI of GenAI these risks. 64% stated they plan to use existing security solutions to secure AI. A significant majority of companies plan to procure specialized tools and platforms to IT and security leaders believe that the primary Security for AI - budget contributors secure both the usage and development budget contributors for new solutions for the of AI applications. protection and governance of AI will be IT 63% 57% 37% 23% 9% 7% departments (63%) and information security/ cybersecurity departments (57%). Organizations are looking for These findings show that in addition to a comprehensive security continuing to leverage existing security solution set among new and solutions, organizations see the need to look existing solutions for new solutions that can help address the amplified and emerging risks of AI. IT Department Information Technology Data Operations Legal/Compliance security/ Department Management Department Department Cybersecurity Department Department

Accelerate AI Transformation with Strong Security - Page 25 Accelerate AI Transformation with Strong Security Page 24 Page 26