faCINg The New RealITIes Of seCURITy fOR aI 14 Increased threats with rapid AI development By “2028, open-source generative AI models will As organizations attempt to keep up with underpin more than 50% of enterprise GenAI the rapid evolution of AI technologies, the use cases, up from less than 10% today.”2 As accelerated development and deployment of AI organizations increasingly utilize open-source applications introduces elevated security risks for organizations. software to develop GenAI, components within the AI stack such as models and orchestrators Rushed deployments: Companies often face can introduce vulnerabilities into their environments, which could be exploited by intense pressure to innovate quickly, which can malicious actors. result in inadequate testing, rushed deployments, and insufÏcient security vetting. This increase AI misconfiguration: When developing and in the pace of development can leave critical deploying AI applications, misconfigurations vulnerabilities unaddressed, creating security can expose organizations to direct risks, such risks once the AI system is in operation. as failing to implement identity governance AI supply chain vulnerabilities: The AI supply for an AI resource, and indirect risks, such as vulnerabilities in an internet-exposed virtual chain is a complex ecosystem that presents machine, which could allow an attacker to gain potential vulnerabilities that could compromise the integrity and security of AI systems. access to an AI resource. Vulnerabilities in third-party libraries or models can expose AI systems to exploitation.

Accelerate AI Transformation with Strong Security - Page 14 Accelerate AI Transformation with Strong Security Page 13 Page 15