A majority of companies are using and developing GenAI-related apps Although the widespread adoption and use of Over a quarter (26%) of respondents were GenAI applications was expected, one notable actively using third-party SaaS or enterprise- survey finding was the number of respondents ready GenAI applications and had implemented who said their companies were both using and GenAI apps they had developed or customized. developing GenAI apps or planning to. Another 28% were in the process of actively testing third-party SaaS or enterprise- ready GenAI applications, and they were 66% of respondents said that their organizations are not only using GenAI applications but actively in the process of developing or customizing GenAI apps. are also planning to develop or are already developing their own GenAI apps. Meanwhile, over three quarters (76%) of those currently in the “use only” category said they of organizations are developing or have preliminary plans to develop or customize 66% planning to develop their own in the next year. Gen AI applications

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