Data value, risks, and security needs 10 are amplified by AI Chapter 3 Data value, risks, and security needs are amplified by AI AI elevates focus on classifying AI increases the value of data (to and protecting data business and attackers) AI massively amplifies the priority of data GenAI’s ability to generate insights from data security for an organization. Organizations has transformed it into an even more valuable often recognize the importance of data asset, as AI models increasingly become a core security but have frequently had to defer driver of business profitability. These models or deprioritize it in favor of more urgent require high-quality, original data sources for priorities like modernizing identity and access training, further elevating the importance of security for the cloud, maturing security proprietary data. As a result, enterprise data is operations, adapting infrastructure and not only crucial for business success but also a development security practices to cloud and lucrative target for cyber attackers. DevOps, or other key initiatives. GenAI’s success depends heavily on the The advent of AI means organizations quality, lineage, classification, and protection must prioritize data security to help tackle of the data it processes. With the increasing the important (and challenging) work of saturation of low-quality data on the open classifying and protecting their data. This internet, public data sources have become increase in prioritization is primarily driven by less reliable for training robust AI models. two factors: This makes high-quality enterprise data an increasingly valuable resource, not only for • AI increases the value of data (to building better AI but also as a prime target businesses and attackers) for cyber attackers. These attackers seek to • AI amplifies existing data security and exploit enterprise data for financial gain, either governance challenges by using it to train their own models or by selling it to other malicious actors.

AI security and Zero Trust - Page 10 AI security and Zero Trust Page 9 Page 11