Overview Carbon Water Waste Ecosystems Appendix 14 Our approach The context The science is clear—to avert the worst effects of the 2030 Our progress to date Overview rapidly changing climate, the world needs to transition to a net zero carbon emissions economy by 2050. By 2030, Microsoft will To reach net zero emissions, the world must prioritize remove more carbon making deep emissions reductions across all sectors, than it emits. thereby cutting carbon emissions by half over the next 10 years. In addition, to account for hard-to-abate emissions sources, we must invest in reliable techniques for permanently removing carbon. Microsoft has operated carbon neutral since 2012. Like many companies, our neutrality commitment relied on investing in offsets that paid others to not emit carbon, instead of removing carbon dioxide. The science, and the social and economic impacts of Net Zero $50 million climate change, drove our conclusion that carbon neutral alone is not enough—leading to our carbon Became a founding member Invested $50 million in Energy negative commitment in 2020. of Transform to Net Zero. Impact Partners. By 2030, we will be carbon negative, Find out and by 2050, we will remove from the more here Launched the Microsoft Sustainability 1 million Calculator to provide transparency on atmosphere all the carbon dioxide carbon to customers. we have emitted since we were Secured 1 million metric tons of carbon founded in 1975. removal for FY21 from projects via RFP. Named to the CDP A List for Climate Scope 3 Change in 2020. Extended internal carbon fee 586,683 to include Scope 3 emissions. Reduced emissions across all scopes by 586,683 metric tons of CO e in FY20. Updated our Supplier Code 2 of Conduct to require a greenhouse gas emission disclosure. Microsoft received certification from the Science Based Target Initiative (SBTi) for our carbon goals and targets in 2019.