Overview Carbon Water Waste Ecosystems Appendix 62 Driving innovation (continued) Empowering customers and partners “ Maintaining nature for Delivering geospatial data and Space age intelligence Building the Planetary Computer will take several years, analysis to the world Microsoft and SpaceX announced a partnership that but there is much we can do in the meantime. Already, the benefit of current Esri is the global market leader in geographic would marry the tech leader΄s Azure computing system with Azure IoT and AI, we have tools and services to help information systems (GIS). Microsoft and Esri share the with the space company΄s Starlink satellite internet customers around the world understand the ecosystem and future generations goals of making geospatial data and analysis—meaning service. Through Starlink, SpaceX plans to use thousands around them today as it exists, monitor and model is one of humanity’s the gathering, display, and manipulation of information of satellites that will provide high-speed internet changes from climate or human behavior, and manage about Earth systems—available to every sustainability anywhere on Earth. Microsoft Azure will connect those these in a way that protects biodiversity, their greatest challenges. researcher and practitioner around the world, and satellites to cloud storage. Conservation biologists across community’s well-being and way of life, and the planet. Deploying technology ensuring that every conservation organization can the world are tasked with the protection of biodiversity We announced and enhanced partnerships in 2020 that contribute its local data back to that global repository. in remote areas that lack cellular connectivity. Starlink will help us do so, including the following: to support this global From mapping forest loss to combating elephant opens a completely new potential mechanism to address Supporting scientific organizations poaching, organizations depend on Esri’s tools and these connectivity issues, not just making monitoring CSIRO, Australia΄s national science agency, signed effort is one of ours.” expertise to understand and protect the ecosystems in more efficient, but also allowing the deployment of a partnership agreement with Microsoft to harness which they operate. We are already working with Esri to biodiversity monitoring networks at previously artificial intelligence and other digital technologies Brad Smith, President on-board key satellite datasets to Azure, and we will impossible scales. to accelerate critical research and ambitious projects make sure that every user of the Planetary Computer has targeting advances in areas including illegal fishing access to the vast repository of critical datasets in Esri’s prevention, removing plastic from rivers, and Living Atlas of the World. smarter farming. Starlink satellite internet service and Azure provide conservation biologists with connectivity.