Overview Carbon Water Waste Ecosystems Appendix 48 Zero waste Our focus on waste reduction initiatives began in 2008, Getting to when our facilities implemented single-stream recycling and composting across our Puget Sound offices and 50% dining services. Half of daily cooking zero waste Since then, we’ve hosted certified zero waste events, fuel at our Bengaluru like our Hackathons. Microsoft’s Puget Sound campus, Ferns site in India comes our largest campus and accounting for nearly half of from biogas made To meet our commitment to being our global facilities floor area, has been zero waste from food waste. zero waste by 2030, we are looking certified since 2016. at our waste footprint in facilities This commitment spans the globe. In India, our Bengaluru Ferns site installed a biogas plant, which uses and datacenters, launching our anaerobic digestion (also called a biodigester) to break 90% innovative Circular Centers, cutting down and recycle 1,430 pounds of food waste each day, turning it into biogas. It creates enough biogas for half Our target to divert waste in our devices, and engaging of the site’s daily cooking fuel needs. At our sites solid waste from our employees. around the world, we have implemented zero waste landfills and incineration best practices, including ensuring proper signage and is 90 percent. education materials to increase awareness of how to properly dispose of waste and reduce waste contamination in order to minimize our impact on the environment. Zero waste facilities We are committed to diverting at least 90 percent of the solid waste headed to landfills and incineration from our campuses and datacenters. In addition, as we continue to grow, we will achieve, at a minimum, 75 percent diversion of construction and demolition waste for all projects. Some of our largest campus projects to date have shown exemplary performance in this area. On our campus in Israel, we demonstrated a 77 percent diversion rate and in Silicon Valley we achieved a 96 percent diversion rate. Our campus modernization project in Puget Sound is currently demonstrating a 95 percent diversion rate as we continue our construction process. In 2020, we also achieved Zero Waste Certification at our datacenters in Dublin, Ireland Our Puget Sound campus has been zero waste certified since 2016. and Boydton, Virginia.