Overview Carbon Water Waste Ecosystems Appendix 64 Enabling systems change (continued) Indigenous knowledge plus AI Maps of natural resources The Healthy Country partnership in Kakadu National With support from Esri, The Nature Conservancy, Park is a pioneering program that is mixing responsible and Microsoft΄s AI for Earth program, AI and science with Indigenous knowledge to solve NatureServe has created a comprehensive set of complex environmental management problems and habitat models for over 2,200 at-risk species in the care for animal species and habitats. The partnership is contiguous United States, including those ranked part of the National Environmental Science Program as Globally Critically Imperiled or Globally (NESP)΄s Northern Australia Environmental Resources Imperiled, or those listed as full species under Hub. It brings together Kakadu Traditional Owners and the U.S. Endangered Species Act. Analyzed in indigenous rangers, CSIRO, Microsoft, Parks Australia, conjunction with boundaries of protected areas, the University of Western Australia (UWA), and Charles these data support mapping areas of high Darwin University (CDU). Under the direction of biodiversity importance—an invaluable input Indigenous Traditional Owners and rangers, drones to guide effective conservation decision-making. capture video footage in Kakadu National Park. The data is collected, labeled, and interpreted using a combination of Indigenous knowledge, Microsoft AI, data visualization, and scientific research. The models allow rangers to regularly survey large areas that are difficult to access and remove the need for people to review thousands of hours of video. The Healthy Country AI project represents an end-to-end solution to support adaptive co-management. Guiding conservation decision-making with habitat models for at-risk species. Chris Lukhaup