Overview Carbon Water Waste Ecosystems Appendix 94 Appendix E (continued) Policy Date Market Description 05/2020 US Participated in US Congressional Carbon Policy and Pricing Lobby Day (continued) 06/2020 US Organized and issued statement to support passage of Great American Outdoors Act (S.3422) to permanently fund the Land & Water Conservation Fund, which was passed into law in August 2020 06/2020 US Participated in statement in support of the Growing Climate Solutions Act under consideration in the US Congress 06/2020 EU Filed submission to the EU public consultation on the review of the Non-Financial Reporting Directive 07/2020 EU Filed submission to the EU public consultation on the Renewed Sustainable Finance Strategy 08/2020 US Submitted Trillion Tree pledge; joined US Trillion Tree stakeholder committee 09/2020 EU Joined letter in support of increasing EU 2030 GHG emissions reduction target to at least 55 percent net GHG emission reductions compared with 1990 levels 09/2020 EU Joined Corporate Leaders Group Europe to advocate for progressive public policy that supports progress towards net zero in Europe 09/2020 US Participated in letter in support of American Energy Innovation Act (later named Energy Act of 2020) 09/2020 EU Joined Water Europe to advocate for smart water policies in the EU 10/2020 Virginia Participated in letter to Virginia SCC to require utility to incorporate more cost-effective clean energy in its investment plan 10/2020 EU Submitted comments to EU public consultation on “Empowering the consumer for the green transition” 11/2020 US Filed comments to US Federal Energy Regulatory Commission in support of FERC issuing policy guidance on integrating state carbon pricing into power market design