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Overview Carbon Water Waste Ecosystems Appendix 7 How we work (continued) Driving global impact AI for Earth Putting sustainability into practice We also have programs that extend across all five We believe that there is a massive opportunity for the We support each of our four focus areas with five strategic pillars. They are: pillars to drive global impact, including investment technology sector to improve the way we manage the and climate science. Earth’s natural resources. In 2017, we launched Climate Innovation Fund (CIF) Microsoft’s AI for Earth program to put cloud and AI Operations CIF will invest $1 billion over four years to help scale up technology into the hands of the world’s leading ecologists and conservation technologists, and We will take responsibility for our carbon, existing climate technologies and invest in new organizations around the world that are working to water, waste, and land footprints across s technologies that currently don’t exist or are too niche m C protect our planet. The program increases access to the way our products and facilities are e a for broad adoption. This work also supports Microsoft t r s b AI technologies through grants, provides education o y P sourced, manufactured, operated, and r sustainability commitments in carbon, water, waste, and o s n d u on cloud and AI to increase collaboration through o s c managed at end-of-life, including our c n t ecosystems. As we consider investments, we prioritize o s E i our community, and fuels innovation through research t supply chain. a a those that: r n and strategic partnerships. So far, we’ve empowered e d p s • Provide measurable climate impact in our four areas over 700 organizations in more than 100 countries Products and services O e We will develop new technology and rv of focus. around the world working on game-changing i c environmental innovations. services driven by data, AI, and digital e • Bring additional capital to underfunded markets technology to power environmental s where the capital need for climate solutions is not Find out sustainability. Employees being met. more here Customers and partners rs • Ensure developing economies and underserved Sustainability science ne communities benefit from climate solutions. We will help our customers and partners rt Our sustainability work is guided by science. We believe around the world reduce their carbon, P pa • Align to Microsoft’s core business and that that overcoming society’s biggest sustainability water, waste, and land footprints through o of our customers. challenges will require working at the intersection of l d i cy n our learnings, technology, and services. a technology and the natural and social sciences. We have s W r e Find out a growing team of sustainability scientists working with m r a o t s u s C e more here Policy t t researchers, businesses, governments, and non-profit e a W We will use our voice on climate-related organizations around the world to help Microsoft, its public policy issues. We will support new customers and partners, and the world to build a more public policy initiatives to accelerate environmentally sustainable future. This involves creating carbon, water, waste, and ecosystems new knowledge and tools that enable improved opportunities. management of environmental resources and mitigation Employees of risks from local to global scales. We recognize that our employees are the most important asset and resource in advancing innovation and will create new opportunities for them to contribute to our efforts.

Microsoft Environmental Sustainability Report 2020 - Page 7 Microsoft Environmental Sustainability Report 2020 Page 6 Page 8