Overview Carbon Water Waste Ecosystems Appendix 77 Appendix B (continued) Table 8 Table 9 14 Carbon offsets Other emissions (metric tons) FY17 FY18 FY19 FY20 FY17 FY18 FY19 FY20 Percent of total scope 3 GHG emissions balanced 3% 3% 3% 2% NO emissions 223 209 215 202 by carbon offsets x NO emissions – Asia 13 6 7 7 Potential for carbon trade based on recent performance No No No No x NO emissions – Europe, Middle East, Africa 152 145 144 137 x NO emissions – Latin America 25 24 16 16 x NO emissions – North America 33 34 49 41 x SO emissions 13 13 12 12 x SO emissions – Asia 2 1 1 1 x SO emissions – Europe, Middle East, Africa 7 7 7 7 x SO emissions – Latin America 1 1 1 1 x SO emissions – North America 3 3 4 4 x VOC emissions 199 184 185 170 VOC emissions – Asia 10 3 5 5 VOC emissions – Europe, Middle East, Africa 148 141 133 124 VOC emissions – Latin America 24 23 15 16 VOC emissions – North America 17 16 32 26 PM emissions 7 7 8 8 CO emissions 1,860 1,704 1,721 1,584 Ozone depleting substances 1,330 1,116 579 415 14 Values have been adjusted to include methodology improvements and structural changes, which have been applied to all years reported in this factsheet.