2022 Work Trend Index: Annual Report There’s no question technology helped Key Takeaway preserve productivity during the pandemic, An important lesson of the past but fears about lost gains may be factoring into the pullback to in-person work. Despite two years is that managers embody 80% of employees saying they are just as and instantiate the culture for every or more productive since going remote or organization. Managers are a critical hybrid, 54% of leaders fear productivity has bridge between evolving employee been negatively impacted since the shift. expectations and leadership priorities. Leaders have spent the past two years If empowered, they hold the key to under crushing pressure, shepherding their unlock the potential of hybrid work. people and organizations through uncertainty Equip them with the resources and amid unprecedented economic challenges. training they need to manage the It’s easy to imagine why they might see a transition. While policy is set at the top, return to the office as the solution. But now, leaders need to decentralize decision- leaders have a new and urgent challenge making and empower managers in an uncertain economy and labor market: setting the standard for flexible work in a way to make change on behalf of their that balances business outcomes with new employees’ individual needs. Microsoft employee expectations. encourages managers to use this template to create team agreements for hybrid work.