2022 Work Trend Index: Annual Report Methodology and Thailand, Vietnam ; Europe: Czech Republic, Finland, Director, General Manager, EVP, C-Suite, President, Audience Definitions: France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Poland, Spain, etc.) and have at least some influence on decision Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom ; Latin making related to hiring, budgeting, employee America (LATAM): Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, benefits, internal communications, operations, etc. The Work Trend Index survey was conducted Mexico ; North America: Canada, United States. • Non-Business Decision Makers: employees by an independent research firm, Edelman Data x who are not in mid to upper job levels and have Intelligence, among 31,102 full-time employed or Audiences mentioned in the report are defined no influence on decision making related to self-employed workers across 31 markets between as follows: hiring, budgeting, employee benefits, internal January 7, 2022 and February 16, 2022. This survey • Frontline Workers: self-selected at time of survey communications, operations, etc. was 20 minutes in length and conducted online, fielding as being required to be in-person to do their • Managers: Employees who manage at least one in either the English language or translated into a job and do not work at a traditional ‘desk setting’ employee as a direct report. Managers can be BDMs local language across markets. At least 1,000 full- (for example work at a healthcare facility, school, or non-BDMs. time workers were surveyed in each market, and construction site, or warehouse). global results have been aggregated across all • Hybrid Workers: self-selected at time of survey responses to provide an average. Each market is fielding as currently working a mix of in-person and evenly weighted within the global average. Each remotely, at least one day every other week in a market was sampled to be representative of the typical week. full-time workforce across age, gender, and region; • Remote Workers: self-selected at time of survey each sample included a mix of work environments fielding as currently working remotely every day of (in-person, remote vs. non-remote, office settings the week in a typical week. vs. non-office settings, etc.), industries, company • Information Workers: self-selected at time of sizes, tenures, and job levels. Markets surveyed survey fielding that their typical work setting is include: at a desk (whether in an office or at home). This Australia and New Zealand (ANZ): Australia, group includes those who are in-person or working New Zealand; Asia-Pacific (APAC): China, remotely in some cAsia-Pacificity. Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, • Business Leaders/Business Decision Makers: Philippines, Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan, those in mid to upper job levels (i.e., SVP, VP, Sr.

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