Security risks in While organizations look to evolve their ways of working, 68% have experienced one or more endpoint attacks that compromised data and/or their IT today’s world infrastructure.2 A single security breach can erode customer confidence for years into the future and cost an average $4.45 million.3 Without proper security, of work organizations risk more than downtime. And perhaps more importantly, they risk long-term reputational damage. Flexible workplaces see an increase in unmanaged 3,500 devices and identities unmanaged, unprotected devices connected to an enterprise on average6 While employees are ready to work from anywhere, their organizations’ security may not be. More than half of organizations do not have visibility or control 4 over at least a quarter of their endpoints. And with more places work can be done, the number of unmanaged devices and identities is likely to increase. % As employees work and collaborate in a hybrid environment, they may find +71 existing tools inadequate. Remote collaboration can be difÏcult without optimized apps, and software interfaces may vary widely between desktop, increased likelihood of infection on laptop, and mobile devices. This leads some employees to turn to shadow IT, an unmanaged device6 with a reported 80% using non-sanctioned apps and devices that have not been reviewed.5 With the number of unmanaged endpoints that IT teams are left to manually discover and restrict access to, almost 70% report feeling overwhelmed trying 7 to manage remote work. 4 A Secure Foundation: From Zero Trust to AI-powered productivity

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