The seCURITy TRaNsfORmaTION: a paTh TO a seCURe yes TO aI 20 Notably, the median team size, or intended team size, of these dedicated security teams was 24 employees—underscoring the substantial resources that companies are committing to safeguarding their AI initiatives. When the size of company was factored in, team sizes varied. “I think [budget-wise], it’s going to always sit in security...Your AI team is looking at the use cases and the data input and output and how things are shared, but security is not their focus, so it’s really the Median team size security team that’s going to own this and 24 want to make sure that you’re protecting things properly.” Security Decision Maker, Healthcare

Accelerate AI Transformation with Strong Security - Page 20 Accelerate AI Transformation with Strong Security Page 19 Page 21