The seCURITy TRaNsfORmaTION: a paTh TO a seCURe yes TO aI 19 Step 1 64% Form a dedicated AI security team of AI security teams are reporting to SDMs A majority of companies recognize the need Eighty percent of survey respondents either to form dedicated, cross-functional teams to currently have (45%) or plan to have (35%) a manage the unique security challenges posed dedicated team to address security for AI. Over by AI. Dedicated security teams ensure that AI six in 10 said their teams will report to a security systems are rigorously tested, vulnerabilities are decision-maker, ensuring not only vigilant swiftly identified and mitigated, and security oversight but also strategic vision and leadership protocols are continuously updated to keep pace in addressing AI-related risks. with evolving threats. 80% of organizations currently 45% 35% have a dedicated team or plan to 80% have to address security for GenAI. of these organizations currently have of these organization plan to have a a security team for AI. security team for AI.

Accelerate AI Transformation with Strong Security - Page 19 Accelerate AI Transformation with Strong Security Page 18 Page 20