The seCURITy TRaNsfORmaTION: a paTh TO a seCURe yes TO aI 18 01 02 4 steps to implementing effective security for AI Form a dedicated Optimize resource security team allocation to secure for AI. GenAI. As awareness of the risks associated with the These recommended practices focus on rapid implementation of GenAI increases, many fostering a collaborative environment and organizations are responding proactively by implementing effective security measures dedicating substantial resources to enhance that will support GenAI advancements while their security measures. Security and risk leaders safeguarding organizational interests. can take several actionable steps to create a path toward safe and secure AI innovation. 03 04 Implement a Zero Adopt new Trust strategy. dedicated security solutions for AI.

Accelerate AI Transformation with Strong Security - Page 18 Accelerate AI Transformation with Strong Security Page 17 Page 19