Overview Carbon Water Waste Ecosystems Appendix 42 Key learnings Time matters as much as place. Given that the How to take action on water What we’ve 2demand for and the quality and supply of water in your own organization: varies over time, it’s important to account for this temporal variability when tailoring your water learned strategy. For example, if a given location experiences acute scarcity during the summer months or if water quality is exacerbated during Creating credible, transparent, the months when heavy rains typically occur, and trusted platforms for sharing then the interventions you support should reflect this variation. When we established our water data is foundational to availability target, we considered annual baseline functioning ecosystems. water stress as well as monthly baseline water stress and while it will be challenging, we will strive to inform our replenishment work with this nuance. Explainer video: Learn how to Get inspired by our create a water Water is local and your commitments should Water data is too little, too late. Water data, strategy. quality monitoring be too. While carbon is a global pollutant and especially water quality, often is not available, Find out application in 1 emission reduction and removal projects can be 3if it is available at all, until it is too late to inform more here Azure IoT. sourced anywhere, water is a local resource and real-time adjustments. It also is often siloed, Find out commitments to improve water conditions need making it difficult to generate and share Water Risk Monetizer: more here to align spatially with where your facilities are meaningful insights that inform management use this free tool, built using or sourcing water. This requires building decisions. And the lack of widely used water- by Microsoft and Learn how to awareness of the water context where you climate scenarios hinders the ability to make Ecolab, to assess the create a water operate, as well as being able to source projects long-term planning investments. Remedying this true value of water and consumption that are informed by that context and that will by creating credible, transparent, and trusted risk exposure you face. monitoring improve conditions in those locations. Building platforms for sharing water data is particularly Find out application in up this local awareness and these partnerships, critical, especially for a resource that cuts across more here Azure IoT. and working with groups like the Water Resilience multiple sectors and is foundational to Coalition to facilitate and expedite this work, functioning ecosystems. Find out will be crucial for driving impact that is WRI Aqueduct Tool: more here meaningful and relevant. understand the local water stress and scarcity concerns where you operate. Find out more here