Overview Carbon Water Waste Ecosystems Appendix 41 Enabling systems change (continued) Assessing agricultural practices with AI Improving water resource management Policy Upgrading water infrastructure The Freshwater Trust and Upstream Tech are using Leadership Counsel for Justice and Accountability is a Governments play a fundamental role in ensuring the We need governments to invest in upgrading and Azure and AI tools to expand the BasinScout Platform, California non-profit focused on various environmental availability of safe, clean drinking water, maintaining and expanding water infrastructure. This is critical to provide which pinpoints where changes in agricultural justice issues in underserved communities. They are expanding water infrastructure, protecting critical water safe drinking water, treat storm and wastewater, manage management will result in the greatest benefits for working to address the challenge of drinking water ecosystems, and responding to water crises. As part of water levels, and protect against climate impacts, surface water quality and groundwater conditions. Their availability in California’s San Joaquin Valley. Nearly 2 our water positive commitment, we outlined areas in particularly in the most vulnerable communities. approach applies machine learning and water resource million people in the state rely on private domestic wells for which we will advocate, including the following: Integrating water into climate strategies models to satellite/aerial data, available farm drinking water, and many of these wells often fail during Improving data in water-stressed areas Water is the primary means through which climate management and environmental data to assess the drought or due to groundwater management issues. The We will advocate for the development of more accurate change will be experienced. As such, we need potential for improving field-level agricultural practices Leadership Counsel is using AI to predict domestic well and up-to-date assessment of ground and surface water governments to address climate and water challenges and to quantify the impact on water resources. failure resulting from groundwater changes and resulting levels and how they are changing over time. This data in a more integrated way. One way to do this is through Stakeholders can then design scenarios of optimal drinking water shortages. They are providing this can help local stakeholders calculate and forecast the long-term goals that countries set as part of their changes across multiple farms to improve the use of information to affected residents and local, regional, and demand and supply balances, track water quality, national climate plans or Intended Nationally water in a cost-efficient manner. BasinScout Platform has state agencies that can use it to prevent well failure and facilitate disaster prevention and early warning systems, Determined Contributions (INDCs) under the Paris accelerated the process to protect and restore improve water resource management and planning. and ultimately develop innovative solutions. climate agreements. watersheds, as field-scale environmental and economic impact now takes months instead of years; watershed In 2020, we have begun this work by: program planning now takes minutes, instead of months. • Joining WaterEurope, the leading association in Predicting the quality of river water 3,600 Europe focused on technology and innovation aspects SOS Mata Atlântica in Brazil has developed an AI of water, with a focus on digital water. We will use our solution to predict the quality of the water in several The SOS Mata Atlântica voice in the organization to call for improved rivers in the region. The project relies first on 3,600 project in Brazil has collaboration in the water sector, advocating for volunteers mobilized in groups from diverse 3,600 volunteers proper inclusion of water-related topics in EU policies, backgrounds, such as schools, universities, churches, participating to monitor European funding programs, and shared research. scouts, community centers, and others, who monitor water quality. • Supporting the creation of the Common European water quality with a kit. The results are uploaded to Green Deal data space, as part of the European Microsoft Azure, where AI resources are applied, Strategy for Data, that aims to harness the potential of providing more effective and accurate insights. In the environmental data to help achieve the EU’s ambitious future, it will be possible to cross-reference data from climate objectives. different sources, such as public health reports, and to • Encouraging our trade associations and coalitions assess the correlation between water quality and to look for opportunities to support the inclusion of epidemic outbreaks. water infrastructure into COVID-19 recovery packages and foster innovative solutions. We are advocating for improved data in water-stressed areas.