Overview Carbon Water Waste Ecosystems Appendix 92 Appendix E (continued) Policy Date Market Description 03/2018 Virginia Sent letter to Virginia Governor Northam to adjust new cap on projects qualifying for renewable energy tax credit (continued) 04/2018 US Testified at US Federal Energy Regulatory Commission technical meeting in support of distributed energy resources 05/2018 US Selected as Leadership Circle for US We Are Still In coalition in support of Paris Climate Agreement 05/2018 US Submitted comments to US Department of Energy to protest Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NOPR) for coal and nuclear bailout 06/2018 US Filed comments to US Federal Energy Regulatory Commission to allow storage and distributive energy resources to participate in wholesale markets (This docket formed the foundation for FERC Order 2222 approved in 2020 which opens wholesale markets to distributive energy resources such as solar panels, batteries, fuel cells) 07/2018 US Joined CERES Business for Innovation Climate & Energy Policy Network 08/2018 California Participated in California Clean Energy Lobby Day 09/2018 California Participated in letter to California Governor Brown to sign direct access bill to allow more choice for renewable energy 09/2018 Washington Advocated for I-1631 to establish an economy-wide carbon fee in Washington state 10/2018 California Testified to California Public Utility Commission on customer choice 11/2018 US Filed comments to US Federal Energy Regulatory Commission on pricing of the PJM regional market to reflect corporate renewable energy purchases 12/2018 Global Participated in UN COP24 Climate Meeting in Poland 01/2019 Virginia Joined letter to Virginia Legislature in support of bill to remove restrictions to 100 percent renewable energy purchasing 01/2019 Virginia Participated in Virginia Clean Energy Lobby Day 02/2019 US Joined letter calling on US to ratify Montreal Protocol Amendment to phase down HFCs

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