Overview Carbon Water Waste Ecosystems Appendix 91 Appendix E Policy Date Market Description 04/2016 US Filed amicus brief in support of Clean Power Plan Microsoft supports carbon, clean 04/2016 EU Joined Advisory Board of EU Parliament Network on Energy Solutions energy, and sustainability policy 09/2016 Global Participated in statement in support of Montreal Protocol Amendment to phase out HFCs efforts at the state and national level in the US, the European Union, and 11/2016 Virginia Joined letter to Virginia State Corporation Commission asking for more options to purchase renewable energy elsewhere. The table on pages 91–94 11/2016 Global Attended UN COP22 Climate Meeting in Morocco outlines key sustainability policy and advocacy actions Microsoft has 04/2017 Japan Joined letter to Japanese METI to encourage more renewable energy options taken over the past five years. 05/2017 US Participated in advocacy for US to remain in Paris Agreement 06/2017 US Issued Microsoft statement opposing US exit from Paris Agreement 07/2017 Washington Secured regulatory approval of contract to self supply Microsoft campus with 100 percent zero carbon energy 09/2017 US Filed comments to US Federal Energy Regulatory Commission to protest Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NOPR) for coal and nuclear bailout 11/2017 Global Participated in UN COP23 Climate Meeting in Germany 11/2017 Ireland Filed comments on design of a new Renewable Electricity Support Scheme in Ireland, issued by the Department of Communications, Climate Action & Environment 12/2017 EU Joined letter in support of EU Renewable Energy Directive 01/2018 Washington Testified in support of legislation to establish an economy-wide carbon fee in Washington state 02/2018 Virginia Participated in letter to Virginia Legislature in support of bill to remove restrictions to 100 percent renewable energy purchasing

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