Overview Carbon Water Waste Ecosystems Appendix 52 Driving innovation (continued) Data and insights in recycling Colchester Borough Council provides services to 192,500 HoloLens and AI to capture residents, from licensing to recycling. The Council is using plastics in waterways Dynamics 365 to unify its data, like the recycling tracking To tackle the increasing problem of river system that provides reporting via Power BI, showing data pollution, DEME has installed a Marine like heatmaps of problem spots for collections or where Litter Hunter on the river Scheldt on behalf residents need more encouragement to recycle. of De Vlaamse Waterweg. The project consists The insights derived from Power BI close the loop for of a fixed installation that passively collects development, providing KPIs that help the Borough floating and suspended waste from the water improve both the app and recycling services to improve and a mobile system that actively collects landfill diversion rates. bigger pieces of waste. This includes a smart IoT to cut food waste detection system, a work boat that can A new platform, Alsense, entered the market in 2019, navigate autonomously, and a charging point. driven by a Danfoss and Microsoft collaboration. Floating waste is detected using artificial The new cloud-based service solution is powered by intelligence by smart cameras. Azure and provides retailers with new ways to manage The work boat intercepts waste and pushes it to operations. Action can be taken quickly to prevent a collection pontoon, where a crane equipped temperature changes and avoid inefficient energy usage. with a grab transfers the waste into a container. This will lead to reduced food waste and a more energy The crane is operated remotely by an operator efficient supermarket. using virtual reality and 3D vision technology using Microsoft HoloLens. By reducing the Improving circularity with AI amount of macro plastics in the rivers, Chase and Microsoft are jointly building a traceable De Vlaamse Waterweg will prevent them waste treatment system. Microsoft AI and cloud from affecting the ocean and marine life. technologies are helping Chase digitize its industrial waste process and tracing. Using Azure, Microsoft AI, and IoT solutions, Chase is able to manage its business, from dispatch and garbage collection to sensors that capture the weight and composition of bin contents. The data is used for a wide range of scenarios including flagging improper bin contents to prevent potential quality risk in developing renewable products. Chase has noted that Microsoft has inspired them to become a waste management-as-a-service company, providing smart circular economy solutions and creating comprehensive, transparent, and safe service offerings. Reducing plastics in waterways with HoloLens.