Talent is everywhere in a hybrid world 7 “This shift is likely to stick, and it’s good for democratizing access to opportunity. Companies in major cities can hire talent from underrepresented groups that may not have the means or desire to move to a big city. And in smaller cities, companies will now have access to talent that may have a different set of skills than they had before.” – Karin Kimbrough, Chief Economist at LinkedIn A vast talent marketplace is one of the brightest outcomes from the shift to remote work. • Remote job postings on LinkedIn increased more than five times between March and December 2020. • This will allow talent to spread to new locations. Forty - six percent of remote workers are planning to move to a new location in the next year because they can now work remotely. • It also creates opportunity for new groups. An analysis of the LinkedIn Economic Graph shows women, Gen Z, and those without advanced degrees are more likely to apply for remote jobs. • And, in the U.S., our survey found that Black and U.S. Latino workers are more likely than white workers to say they want virtual - only interactions with coworkers. 46% of remote workers are planning to move to a new location in the next year because they can now work remotely.

The Next Great Disruption is Hybrid Work - Page 17 The Next Great Disruption is Hybrid Work Page 16 Page 18